Faculty/Instructors: Blackboard – Ally Instructor Package NOTE: Ally is an awareness tool offering recommendations to provide alternative formats for those using assistive technologies. Accessibility score indicators...
Faculty: My Students Cannot See My Content That I Have Uploaded to Blackboard Quite commonly, the content has been uploaded to the Content Collection, which is solely visible to instructors. Students can only...
Students: What is Blackboard Learn? Blackboard Learn allows students to access academic materials online in order to accomplish their scholarly goals. With Blackboard Learn, it...
Students: Why can’t I login to Blackboard? Keep in mind WCSU passwords expire every 90 days. To access Blackboard Learn make sure you know your correct WCSU...
Faculty: Blackboard Merge Request Form Merging sections will give you one Blackboard Learn course shell with all of the students from each section. It allows you to...
Faculty: Where can I receive training on Blackboard’s functions? Have you ever heard of E-Learning or want to know what Blackboard Learn is all about? Would you like to...