Before you install Teams on your Windows computer, you must check to see that it is not already installed. Go to the Start menu by clicking the Windows logo on the lower left corner of your screen and search for Teams. If it is already installed, then you are all set! Otherwise, follow the directions below:
1. Click here to open the Microsoft Teams download page.
2. Click Download app for desktop.
3. Click Download the new Teams app under Teams for work or school. When the dropdown appears, select Download for Windows (64-bit).
4. Click the executable file MSTeams-x64.msix.
5. This prompt will then appear. Click Install Teams. Make sure Launch when ready is checked. Microsoft Teams will then be installed on your computer.
6. Select Sign in, then sign in with your WCSU email credentials.
7. Enter your WCSU password.
8. This prompt will appear after entering your WCSU password. Make sure to uncheck the box above Allow my organization to manage my device. Then select No, sign in to this app only.
You will then be logged into the Microsoft Teams application.